The Nigerian Academy of Engineering is a professional society comprising very senior engineers who are dedicated to the technological development of Nigeria. In furtherance of one of the objectives of the Academy, a Research Grant has been initiated, with support from ARCO Group Plc.
As part of its commitment to promoting and rewarding excellence in Research, Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Academy is offering a Travel Fellowship Grant to young Nigerian engineering intellectuals wishing to travel for their post-doctoral fellowship in the field of engineering.
The grant amount for recipients conducting research outside Africa is $4000, in Naira equivalent. This funding is expected to cover economy-class travel, living expenses and a benchmark fee.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible candidates for the NAEng travel grant must be:
- Young Nigerian engineering academic who trained locally.
- Working in a tertiary institution or research establishment in Nigeria.
- Working in an area of research directly relevant to the country.
- Ready to return to the country after the period of research stay overseas.
- Applicants must be below the rank of a Senior Lecturer
- Applicants must have completed his/her PhD.
- The program should not be less than 3 months.
- The winner of the Grant should acknowledge the Academy in their Publication(s)
and material development.
- Other potential source(s) of funds for the project should be stated by applicants.
Application Procedure
To be considered for the grant, candidates must:
- Submit a research proposal of not more than two pages.
- Submit curriculum vitae.
- Provide a letter of recommendation from their employer.
- Provide a letter of acceptance from the host institution.
Other conditions
- All applications and supporting documents (pdf) should be submitted online to the office of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering not later than Wednesday, April 30, 2025, for consideration for the 2025 research cycle.
- Candidates will be selected based on (among others) the quality of their research proposal and realistic budgeting.
All applications should be forwarded to:
The Honorary Secretary
The Nigerian Academy of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Complex
University of Lagos, P. M. B. 1028, Akoka, Lagos
Tel: +2349070778171 or 08035651455
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.